Monday, May 27, 2013

Projects Content and Order

Dear Students

The tables below will show you what your project MUST  have and the order in which the docment is supposed to be organized. Therefore, make sure that for the next semester you must have both documents, the feedback and the final version correct to hand in.

Classroom Project

Research Project

·         Introduction
·         Justification
·         Learning Objectives
·         Teaching Objectives
·         Conceptual Framework
·         Methodology
o   Description of the practicum
o   Context
o   Setting
o   Participants
§  Students Profile
§  Pre-service teachers profile
(Up to here, for ss who pass to initiation to research)
o   Data collection Methods
§  Teachers’ logs
§  Document analysis
§  Observation
o   Instructional Design
(Up to here, for ss who will be assigned an advisor)

·         Results
o   Learners linguistic results
o   Professional growth
o   Students’ responses
·         Limitations
·         Pedagogical implications
·         Conclusions and contribution to the field
·         Appendixes

·         Introduction
·         Statement of the problem
·         Research questions
·         Theoretical Framework
·         Methodology
o   Type of study
o   Context
o   Setting
o   Participants
§  Students Profile
§  Pre-service teachers profile
(Up to here, for ss who pass to initiation to research)
o   Data collection Methods
(Up to here, for ss who will be assigned an advisor)
o   Instructional Design (if needed)
·         Finding and discussion
·         Pedagogical and Research mplications
·         Limitations
·         Conclusions

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