of study
current study will draw on the use of mix methods for the data collection
stage; namely, it will make use of qualitative and quantitative procedures.
With reference to mix methods, Johnson and Onwuegbuzie (2004) suggest that
“they involve collecting, analyzing, and interpreting quantitative and
qualitative data in a single study or in a series of studies that investigate
the same underlying phenomenon” (p. 17). Additionally, the goal of mix methods
research is not to replace either of these approaches but rather to draw from
strengths and minimize the weaknesses of both in single research studies and
across studies (Johnson and Onwuegbuzie 2004). Furthermore, Sechrest and Sidani
(1995, p.78) point out that both methodologies “describe their data, construct
explanatory arguments from their data, and speculate about why the outcomes
they observed happened as they did.”
Consequently, this study intends to cover both methods
of research, qualitative, as well as quantitative in order to provide stronger
and more reliable results by reducing the limitations a single method may
provide. Moreover, the study will also employ a concurrent strategy of inquiry
that involves collecting data simultaneously implementing both methods.
Firstly, through qualitative method the researchers intend to collect data
related to teachers’ beliefs, thoughts about their teaching practice, and also
students’ attitudes and behaviors about teachers performance in the classroom.
In accordance with Ray (2011), he describes qualitative studies as one of the
methods use to observe and record the actions and behaviors of each single
person or individual through the course of their daily lives. Therefore, the
data collection will be done in natural setting, in other words the classroom to
gather information of the realities of English language
teachers’ face in the public institutions of Pereira.
In the same
fashion, this study will also be quantitative in view of the fact that the data
collection will primarily aim confirming or rejecting existing theory about
current teaching methodologies. Moreover, the study will also focus on
measuring methodological tendencies implemented by foreign language teachers’
from public school in Pereira. Shuttleworth (2008) asserts that quantitative studies
are helpful to analyze and test different results gathered from qualitative
research. In other words, the results obtained will also be analyzed and
interpreted in forms on words to provide deeper and richer understanding of the
events that take place in the classroom. Therefore, even though the data
collected will be numerical the analysis and the interpretation will be
expressed statements
and setting
. In a report provided by the Secretaría de Educación de Pereira, this town has 2.870
teachers that belong to the official sector. Thus, it is necessary highlight
that in Pereira there are 139 English language teachers. All of whom, are licenciados en la enseñanza del
This research project will be carried out in the selected
institutions from the eight educational areas of Pereira. Consequently, twenty
six public institutions are going to be involved in this research project.
Based on the
mentioned statistics this research project will mainly concentrate on the
English language teachers from the public high schools around Pereira.
Therefore, the focus study will be teachers from secondary education within 6th
through 11th grades, school principals, English language coordinators and high
school students.
The current study will have four different by equally
important participants.
The first participants for this
study are the teachers from secondary education within 6th through
11th grades from Pereira who are currently working at a public institution in Pereira.
Due to the large amount of schools in this town, the study demanded for a
sampling. Therefore, two strategies were used to choose the sampling; first, it
was the selection of the participants which was done randomly, and secondly, it
was the selection of a significant number of public schools (45%) from Pereira
equivalent for the eight educational areas that can provide reliable and
sufficient data to obtain the trustworthy results.
Moreover, the secondary
participants of this study are the school principals who belong to those public
institutions and who are also important elements can aid at providing relevant
information for this study such as; How English is incorporated in the PEI, the
current or future projects the institution is promoting in terms of English
language learning and also the methodology the school encouraging English
language teachers to implement in their class.
On the other hand, the English
language coordinators from the institutions will also contribute to providing
data that will support the information collected. These participants will
supply information about the methodology implemented in the classrooms, the
curriculum and the syllabus teachers follow to design their classes.
The last of the participants are
the students who will present the most important information given that they
will share about their learning process, their opinions about language learning
and teaching and what they evidence in terms of their teachers’ performance in
the classroom.
A non participant observation is defined by Diane Larsen-Freeman and Michael H. Long (1991), as the act
that implies observing, taking notes and recording activities without taking
part of them. This project has 12 active researchers that will
act as non participant observers in order to collect first hand data from the
public institutions that will be participating on the study. Therefore, the researcher will not interacting with learners
not interfere in the class but to observe meticulously.
Data collection
Due to the fact that this is a qualitative and quantitative (mixed
method) study mixed methods both forms of data collection will be implementing
to gather the information needed. As mentioned previously, the purpose of this
study is collection data related to educator teaching methodologies and the
tendencies more implemented by teachers from different public institutions in
Pereira. Consequently, to gather the data needed to fulfill both types of
research methods the instruments used are: observations, document analysis and
to Merriam (2009) she states that the observation method involves the complete
analysis of people´s behavior, perceptions and assimilations to acquire data
from the field that is under research (p. 94). On the other hand, Burns, A.
& Hood, S. (1995) cited in Freeman (1998) argue that the observation is a
closely watching classroom events, happening or interactions, either as a
participant in the classroom, or as an observer of another teacher’s classroom.
(p. 94). Furthermore, the
observation in this study will be done to all the public schools of Pereira for
approximately three months. Each observation will last one hour per class. In
this particular case the observations will be done by non participants, who
will focus mainly on taking field notes using a structured format to collect
data about the classroom and the events that take place in it, teachers’
performance, and students’ attitude and reactions toward the class.
Furthermore, to accomplish the specific objectives of this study a
document analysis will be done in order to become acquainted with the different
text, programs that teachers follow to develop their classes. The document
analysis for this research will include collection of information that the schools
‘ PEI has about English language learning and teaching, the , the syllabus used by the teachers and the lesson
plans designed by the teachers, curriculum, , and class work. Holsti (1969)
argues that document analysis is an umbrella term in order to talk about a huge
amount of written, visual, and physical material significant to the study that
is carrying out .(p.p112).
questionnaires will be used to collect data for teachers and principals from
the institutions about personal information, teacher’s academic background, and
methodology and lesson plan design, among other relevant information. Herbert,
W. (1989) indicates that “questionnaires are printed forms for data collection
which include questions for statement to which the subject is expected to
response, of them anonymously. Therefore, the participants involved were be
surveyed in order to obtain significant information about the personal and
profession experiences in the process of teaching English. This survey will be
structured and implemented at the beginning of the study.
Burns, A. & Hood, S. (1995) Teacher voices: exploring course desing
in a changing curriculum. Sidney
Johnson, R. B.
& Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2004). Mixed methods research: A research paradigm
whose time has come. Educational
Researcher, 33(7),
Diane and Michael Long. 1991. An introduction to second language acquisition
research. London: Longman.
Merriam, S. B.
(2009). Qualitative research: A guide
to design and implementation. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Sechrest, L., & Sidani, S. (1995). Quantitative and qualitative
methods: Is there an alternative?
de educación (2012). Información acerca de licenciados en el
sector publico en Pereira Risaralda.
M., (2008). Design for research.
Retrieved on 15-06-2011 from Last updated
on 2008.
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