Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Outline for related studies or research articles

Outline for related studies or research articles

1. One-paragraph introduction where a summary of each of the 3 research articles is presented.

Several studies on the topic of ___ present results concerning ____. In Richards’ (2004) research study, the data collected suggest that___. In Quintero and Ramirez’s (2011) study, the participants expressed that ___. 

Summary of article in the second paragraph
2. Richards (2004) conducted a qualitative research study on ____.
3. Participants
4. Context
5. Methodology: What the researchers did to answer the research question.
5.1 Data collection instruments
5.2 Data analysis

One paragraph for findings
6. Findings
-          According to the findings in Richard’s (2004) study, the participants (teachers, students, administrators)
-          Based on the findings in Richard’s (2004) study,
-          Richards (2004) reports that / shows that / presents / suggests that

7. Next research study
-          In a related study, author (year)
-          In a different study on ____, author (year)

Repeat process 2 to 6 above.

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