Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Asignatura: Iniciación de Proyecto de Grado
Código: LI965
Intensidad: 4 horas semanales
Pre-requisito: Li865
Créditos: 5
Email: Dolly Ramos Gallego
Blog: http://initiationtoresearch.blogspot.com

Course Description

In Research Project Initiation (RPI) students will continue developing their research projects, starting where they left off on their previous semester (which was the methodology section). This course constitutes the foundation to equip graduate students with the tools to carry out research in the Colombian EFL context and to educate themselves as self-critical individuals participating, collaborating, and reflecting as active members of this regional teaching community. This course gives participants the opportunity to engage in a variety of learning activities such as presentations, group discussion, observation tasks, and workshops in which the sharing of ideas and experiences enriches practitioners’ teaching creativity.

The course covers the study of different methods to collect data used in qualitative research for EFL/ ESL settings. Students will receive instruction on the design of instruments, sampling selection, data analysis and the presentation of the final report. Attention will be paid to developing the skills and knowledge needed to design and conduct observational procedures, implement interviews and keeping research journals. The final chaptersof the thesis which are findings and discussion and conclusions will be terminated with their respective advisors. Lastly, group sessions will be held with the instructor to build their thesis document.

1. Research Competencies that Students Should Develop

a. Demonstrate reading comprehension of assigned research articles
b. Use concepts from reading to develop research project
c. Produce quality argumentative writing
d. Differentiate the parts of the thesis and describe the purpose of each part
e. Understand and apply the elements that are key to conducting research
f. Choose and design appropriate and realiable methods for collecting data.

2. Linguistic Competencies that Students Should Develop

a. Write clear, detailed observations as a means of data collection, interpreting and analyzing the information.
b. Use a variety of linking words efficiently to mark clearly the relationships between ideas.
c. Use a limited number of cohesive devices to link his/her utterances into clear, coherent oral and written discourse,though there may be some ‘jumpiness’ in a long contribution.
d. Express his/her ideas and opinions with precision, and present and respond to complex lines of argument convincingly.
e. Take an active part in informal discussion in research contexts, commenting, and putting point of view clearly.
f. Account for and sustain his/her opinions in discussion by providing relevant explanations, arguments and comments.

3. Advising Sessions

Individual advising sessions with the instructor will take place along the semester. The instructor will meet with each research group throughout the semester to provide feedback on the thesis on progress. Students must bring to each meeting a hard and digital copy of the document and must always incorporate the feedback given by the instructor before the next meeting. The instructor will program meetings with each research team. In “Semana muerta” RPI students will work with their future advisors to agree on methodological aspects of the project.

4. Attendance Policy

Attendance and punctuality are mandatory for classes and advising sessions. In case of absences, students must show valid excuses. Absences will affect the participation grade, since opportunities to participate are significantly reduced for not being present in class. If quizzes and other evaluations are held when a student is absent, a valid written excuse must be presented to the instructor so that the student can be evaluated. If you miss more than 3 classes, know that your participation grade will be affected. Regardless of the reason for the absence, students are responsible for completing missed assignments, and to be evaluated all must show valid excuses.

5. Students’ responsibilities

• Hand in assignments on time
• Attend classes and advisory sessions
• Read the assigned articles
• Submit research proposals via email
• Avoid plagiarizing others’ works
• Participate actively and in an informed manner through discussion and response
• Incorporate feedback in the research project

6. Students’ rights

• Receive periodical advisory sessions and feedback on the submitted papers
• Express their needs and opinions
• Receive a constant training on the contents of the course

7. Evaluation
Three types of evaluation will be implemented during the course:
- Formative evaluation: this will be an ongoing process and students are expected to take control of their own learning.
- Summative evaluation: this includes quantitative data on what students have achieved.
- Metacognitive evaluation: students are expected to reflect on their own learning.

• Classwork, quizzes and participation 20%
• Oral workshop 20%
• Methodology 20%
• Instruments design 20%
• Research project 20%

8. Contents of the Course

 Research methods: interviews, journals, questionnaires, observations
 Instruments design
 Sampling
 Data analysis
 Instructional design
 Reporting findings and discussion
 Conclusions
 Research and instructional implications
 Limitations of the study

9. Bibliography

• Creswell, J. W. (2003). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches Second Edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (Chapter 1: A framework for design) 463-494.
• Merriam, S.B. (1998). Qualitative research and case study applications in education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.(Chapter 1: What is qualitative research?; Chapter 2: Case studies as qualitative research)
• Richards, Jack and Lockhart, Charles.Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classrooms.Approaches to Classroom Investigation and Teaching.
• Lanksshear, C & Knobel M. (2004) A Handbook for Teachers-Researchers.From Design to Implementation. New York: Open U. Press. Chapter 6 Ethics and teacher researcher.
• Freeman, D.(1998) Doing Teacher-Researcher: From Inquiry to Understanding. NY Heile and Heinle publisher. Chapter 6: Triangulation
• Merriam, B Sharan. (1998)Qualitative Research and Case Study Applications in Education.Jossey-Bass Publisher. SF
• Lerma, H. (2003)Presentacion de Informes. El documento final de investigación. ED. KimpresLtda
• Wolcott, H.F. (2001) Writing up Qualitative Research. Second edition.Sage Publications, Inc.

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